
    Donna Kelce hits back at 'homophobic' criticism of 2024 Olympic Games' opening ceremony

    Donna Kelce, mother of the Kansas City Chiefs’ Travis Kelce, hit back at critics of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris by slamming opposition to the opening ceremony as “homophobic” on Facebook.

    It comes following a wave of noise following a perceived recreation of The Last Supper painting by Leonardo da Vinci, which recalls a Christian event which saw Jesus acknowledge Judas’ undiscovered betrayal, and featured performers dressed in drag.

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    As drag performers are often associated with the LBGTQ+ community, many people voiced their displeasure at the event online with many Christians believing homosexuality to be a sin in The Bible.

    But Kelce was in no mind for this as she shared a post on Facebook that called critics out of lacking education, ignoring factual information and employing veiled homophobia at the Ceremony on July 26.

    “This is what happens when you ban books and limit education,” the post Kelce shared on Facebook read. “The Opening Ceremony of the Olympics wasn’t a mock of the Last Supper.

    “If you have any knowledge of the Greek origin of the Olympics and the French’s rich history of theater you would have gotten this. However, because of your veiled homophobia, some of you can’t discern factual information.”

    What did the drag performers recreate?

    The post also featured a photo of the Dionysus Feast, which is an image of the Greek god of wine, festivity and theater surrounded by people enjoying him and his company as he performs what he is known for in the famous mythology of the ancient European nation.

    Whilst it didn’t feature men in lingerie and ball gowns, it is possible to draw the comparison so is that what it was inspired from?

    “Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group,” Anne Descamps told reporters. “[The opening ceremony] tried to celebrate community tolerance. We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offense we are really sorry.”

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