How to Eat like a Pro: How Female Soccer Players Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle While Traveling

Do you ever feel sick or “bleh” every single time you travel? Find yourself falling out of your routine? Feeling bloated? Not knowing what to do to feel good on the go? Well, look no further because these pro female soccer players are the best in their sport and professional travelers. For so many pro players, travel is a massive part of their job, and they’ve got their routine down pat and they’re ready to give you all their tips and tricks on how to stay healthy, stay well, and stay feeling good while you’re on the go, especially if you’re traveling long hours regularly.


Fueling Yourself Well

The best way to stay energized is to start with food that makes you feel good. When traveling, it can be easy to fall into the trap of constantly eating out or eating foods that are quick and available, and that might be easy to get to but do not make you feel the best in the long run. But here are some easy tricks to keep healthy while you’re traveling.

To eat well, try to stick to whole foods even when you don’t have many options. Whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables in their natural form, give you the energy you need and keep you fuller for longer. Whole foods can also keep you from feeling lethargic and bloated. If you don’t have access to whole foods and are in the airport, some options you can go for at airport kiosk and small shops are cereal or protein bars. Any kind of organic nut butter, protein powders, jams, and honey are always good choices. Other protein sources you can choose are low-sodium jerkies and dried meats. Dried nuts and fruits are always an excellent option for quick energy without giving you that heavy or weighed-down feeling. When in a pinch, oatmeal is always a great whole food option that you can use to keep your energy up; it doesn’t have many ingredients, and you could even eat your oatmeal on an airplane. Just ask for hot water from the flight attendants onboard, and you’ll be ready to go. Other great options if you don’t have access to oatmeal or any of these other snacks mentioned are fruit leathers, applesauce, and trail mixes with nuts, dried fruits such as raisins, and other such fibers, healthy fats, and fruits.


Hydration is Key

Another great way to travel like a pro is to stay hydrated. Hydration is essential for everyone, especially pro soccer players, to feel well-rested and ready to go. Our bodies are made up of so much water, and so much of our internal processes necessitate adequate water to function. Every pro athlete couldn’t say it any louder: Stay hydrated! Drink water! The best tip is to bring your refillable water bottle so it can get through security to your gate at the airport. There are so many places where you can access water in the airport. You can buy water at the airport, or you can fill up your water bottle at the water fountain.

If you will be outside or out and about and moving around, make sure you consume electrolytes. Electrolytes help keep you hydrated. Drinks with salts and sugars, such as certain sports drinks, will keep you hydrated, feeling good, and able to win your day.


Healthy Snack Options

Now that we’ve covered snacks and drinks let’s go ahead and cover healthy meal options while you’re traveling and other tips to fully utilize the features available in your accommodations while you’re traveling. One tip people don’t often use enough while traveling to stay healthy is access to a mini fridge in your room. If a mini fridge is available, you can use it to store foods such as eggs and yogurts. You can also keep fresh vegetables, spoilable proteins, and other ingredients in the fridge. Other options you can explore if you cannot access a fridge are mason jar meals and soups; these tend to last longer out of the fridge than fresh produce.


Preventing Sickness

Now that we’ve covered nutrition let’s talk about staying well and preventing sickness while traveling. When traveling to new places, it’s always good to ensure you stay safe and conscious of illness prevention practices. Always carry hand sanitizer if possible; this is especially important if you go to new places and touch new surfaces. The best way to enjoy your travel and stay healthy is to follow standard health: wash your hands, eat vitamin-rich foods, and wipe down surfaces before using them.


Packing the Essentials

OK, so we’ve talked about health, food, and drinks, and now let’s talk about traveling protocol and what you should bring on the plane. Many female pro soccer athletes, including Olympians, wear compression socks for long air travel. Extended air travel can often lead to swelling in different parts of the body, especially if you’re not wearing the right clothes. Being in the air for quite a long time can cause some discomfort; this can be easily alleviated by wearing compression socks. Athletes also swear by sleeping on the plane whenever they can so they can arrive well-rested to their location. Bringing eye covers, blankets, and at least a second layer can help provide comfort on long flights.



And last but not least, let’s talk exercise. I know the first thing you think of when you think of traveling isn’t doing more work, but exercising just as much as sleep, eating, and staying hydrated can keep you energized and able to enjoy your travels. Incorporating some form of getting out and moving whenever possible is essential in staying well while traveling.

Many pro athletes, especially pro soccer athletes, recommend just walking outside. You could also take a friend or a workout buddy to keep you accountable. Staying stationary for long periods can lead to being lethargic and having low energy. Other easy exercises you can try while traveling are going for a run or even jogging in place in your hotel. If you have the space, stationary squats, calf raises, and stretches can also be an excellent addition to your travel routine.

These tips and tricks from pro soccer players should help you lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain your well-being while traveling.


Featured image via Pexels




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